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Simona Dürmüller takes on the role of Head of PR, while Sara Streule, in addition to her role as Creative Director, now heads the Digital Team together with Martin Winiker.
From intern to Head of PR: Simona Dürmüller has been promoted to Head of PR. The long-time Contcept Communication employee is now responsible for the PR team at the agency, which is based in Zurich, Lausanne and Berlin.
"I never really wanted to get into PR after my studies," she says. "But already during my internship I realized that I really enjoy the diverse work." Simona Dürmüller is now also a member of the management team.
There is more personnel news from the digital team at Contcept Communication:
Since the beginning of 2023, Sara Streule has been supporting the team as Creative Director and is responsible for Campaigning, Creative Visual Content and Corporate Design. She has now also taken on the role of co-lead of the digital team. She leads it together with Martin Winiker. Both are members of the Executive Board.
Sara Streule ist gelernte Grafikerin und hat einen Abschluss in visueller Kommunikation an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK). Zuletzt war sie bei diversen Designstudios und Agenturen der Schweiz tätig. Sie arbeitete im Branding, leitete dort ein Team und bildete Lehrlinge aus. Auch im Editorial Design hat Sara Streule Erfahrungen gesammelt und war für die Neukonzipierung und das Redesign von Magazinen zuständig.
Am meisten geprägt hat sie aber die Arbeit im bekannten Studio Mind Design in London, wo sie als Designerin Projekte für den renommierten Industrial Designer Tom Dixon umsetzen durfte. Neben ihrer Karriere hat sich Sara Streule auch als Influencerin unter dem Namen “Sara is in Love with…” etabliert und realisiert auf ihrem Instagram-Kanal regelmässig diverse Kunstprojekte.
Neue Influencer Managerin
Doris Hofer is a new member of the digital team. A former journalist and PR professional, she spent the last few years living in Istanbul, where she built a career as one of the best-known influencers. She is a Senior Consultant Influencer & Social Media. She also brings her valuable years of expertise in communication.
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