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Case study: Stash - startup pr
Consulting, PR, Storytelling
Stash, the 10-minute delivery service, was newly launched in Switzerland - first in Zurich, then in other cities such as Basel, Lucerne and Geneva.
The focus was on publicizing the service in the respective cities for the general public as well as higher-level investors.
Media relations and storytelling in local and national daily and Sunday media, also strong focus on TV, radio as well as startup media with test reports (does the promise of 10 minutes hold?) as well as startup and business media.
Coverage in all relevant local media such as Tagesanzeiger, Basler Zeitung, Luzerner Zeitung and Tribune de Genève.
TV reports in 10vo10, Tele M1, Tele Basel.
In addition, interviews with the CEO in Handelszeitung and Bilanz as well as in various startup media.
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